Year 7 Curriculum
Welcome to Secondary School and welcome to Chelt.Sec! Year 7 is one of the most exciting times in your education as you will experience not only a broad range of subjects but new teachers, opportunities and challenges. The Camp at the beginning of the year is a great opportunity to meet new people and have fun!

English | Maths | Science |
We explore two novels and work to develop our ability to speak publicly, pull stories apart to see how they are made and write our own creative stories.
You will be excited by a range of new mathematical challenges when you explore fractions, algebra, statistics, negative numbers and algebra.
Your introduction to Year 7 Science will explore and research the feats of human endeavour in science and you will conduct your own experiments.
Humanities - History | Humanities - Geography | Italian |
We dig deep into the birth of human history by examining the ancient civilisations of Ancient China and Egypt to discover the mysteries of the past.
We take our geography skills on the road and conduct a field trip report, developing a strong understanding of the role of mapping and presentation.
In Italian you will listen, write, present and speak Italian! You will learn about a rich and fascinating culture.
Visual Arts | Drama and Music | Digital Technology |
Explore your artistic side while learning painting techniques, ceramic sculpturing and studying the work of the masters.
While developing the world of rhythm, we learn about the instruments of the orchestra and explore the world of film music. While in Drama, it is your chance to perform! We explore the wonderful world of fables and fairy tales and develop our own dramatic performances.
Learning about the brave new digital world, we introduce the ideas of algorithms and build our own functioning phone apps!
Food Technology | Physical Education | PASE |
Learn your way around the kitchen! You will learn the functions of key kitchen tools and skills while investigating where food comes from and its impact on you.
You will explore a range of new sports and skills and put your fitness to the test.
You can choose your own adventure! Choose baseball, softball, volleyball, badminton, AFL, netball or tennis.
Health | Pastoral Care |
In Health you will explore how the human body changes and develops.
This is where away from your normal subjects, your class gets together to be involved in different activities such as assemblies, wellbeing, special presentations and guest speakers.